Les cours de français de Mme Spencer
French III: 

General Course Expectations and Class Contract 
Course Description:  In this course, we continue our study of the French language, concentrating on more complex structures and situations.  Our main goal is, as always, proficiency.  Students will participate in activities and assignments designed to develop all four modalities of communication – reading, writing, listening and especially speaking.  French III students participate in Café français, using their skills to discuss current events and important aspects of the history and culture of French-speaking regions around the world.


  • a 3-ring binder (one to 3 inch).
  • Loose leaf notebook paper.
  • Pencils and pens.  Colored pencils are a good idea but are optional.
  • A French/English dictionary.  Cassell’s, Larousse, and Collins all have paperback ones for $7-$10.

Grading Policy:  
Class work/ Participation              20%    
Tests:                                                  20%
Quizzes:                                             20%   
Students should expect daily written and/or oral quizzes.
Homework                                         20%   
Graded for completion and accuracy; may be collected.
Projects                                              20%    All projects have rubrics.

All class work and homework is to be turned in on time-- this often is the beginning of class.  If a student chooses to turn in a class work or homework assignment late (not because of an excused absence), the assignment must be turned in the next class day for a maximum of 60% of the credit earned on the assignment.  A project or presentation may be presented one day late, by appointment after school, for 60% credit.

At the end of each semester, there will be a final exam with written and oral components.  In accordance with district policy, the final exam will be worth 20% of the semester grade.

Participation:  Participation in class is essential in learning to communicate in a foreign language.  In this class, I use a participation rubric (you may download it from a subpage under HOME) along with an explanation of how everything is assessed.  

Academic Integrity:  Academic integrity is of the highest importance.  Academic dishonesty is a serious matter, and no credit will be given to any and all persons involved.  In this class, academic dishonesty (cheating) includes copying someone else’s classwork or homework, allowing others to copy one’s own work, talking or passing notes during a test or quiz, looking on another student’s paper during a test or quiz, using any unauthorized materials on tests and assignments and plagiarism.  I will follow the school policy concerning cheating, including contacting parents and administrators.

I encourage students to use computers when doing assignments for class.  Some word processing programs have spell check and dictionaries.  These are helpful.  However, under no circumstances should students use a translation program or on-line translating service for any assignment.  This applies to translations from English to French or from French to English.  If students or parents have any questions about this policy, please contact me.

Absences:  It is
important for students to be present in every class, but especially in foreign language classes where we build new foundations for future language skills every day.  However, if it is necessary for a student to be absent, it is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed assignments, announced quizzes or tests.

  • When a student returns to school after an absence, he or she must immediately turn in any assignments (homework or projects), assigned prior to and due during the absence(s), in my make-up folder.  At the end of each day, I will give full credit only to the assignments, which have been completed and promptly turned in.
  • Arrangements to make up tests or quizzes must be made the day of the student’s return to class.  Work must be made up within a reasonable amount of time (not to exceed one day for each day absent.   Being absent the day before a scheduled test does not excuse a student from taking the test.

Teacher Contact
:  I am available for extra help, tutoring and make-up work on Monday and Thursday afternoons at 2:25 – 2:55.  Parents can reach me by telephone (703-123-4567 ext. 2329) or by e-mail ([email protected]) to address concerns or to arrange conferences.

Please read and complete the form below and have your parent (s) sign it; return it to me for a homework grade.

I have read the attached copy of the policies and procedures for Mme Spencer's class.  I understand that I am responsible for following these policies and procedures.

Student’s signature: ______________________________________________  Date: ____________________

Student’s e-mail address: _________________________________________

I have read the attached copy of the policies and procedures for Mme Spencer's class.  I understand that my student is responsible for following these policies and procedures.

Parent’s signature: ______________________________________________    Date: ____________________

Parent’s e-mail address: __________________________________________

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